What You Need To Know About the Wedding Sand Ceremony
Unity is the core pillar of any marriage, and thus many couples have devised different methods that are aimed at expressing this crucial fact during their marriage ceremony. It the previous years in the US people used to employ unity candles to express their unity in the marriage. Recently most individuals have upgraded to the utilization of the wedding sand as an improvement to the former methods. It in this regard that various companies that manufacture the bridal sand have been set up to quench the increasing market demand for the commodity. An example of such firms in the United States in the Sandsational Sparkle which makes products that are related to marriages. The article will expound more of what you need to know about the wedding sand ceremony.
The Sandsational Sparkle wedding sand may not have gained much popularity amongst the most abundant population, but for sure the number of individuals that are embracing it keeps on growing. What it entails is that a table is put and is decorated following the aim of your wedding. One vase is set at the center of the table, and its primary goal is to hold the gifts form the people that attend the wedding including relatives and friends.
The master of ceremony or the person overseeing the ceremony put some white sand into a jar. It symbolizes the purity of the wedding that is about to happen. The groom the puts a colored powder in the jar little by little. The bride also follows putting their sand into the jar whose color should be different from that of the sand poured by the groom. The distinct colors of sands are used to show that the personalities of the individuals who are being joined by marriage are different. When they are mixed in the jar that they are put in, they imply that the two persons have been merged into one as a family. It is in the interest of some of the couples not to empty their sand ceremony container entirely which is meant to mean that they do not drain all their personality after the marriage.
The vitality of this ceremony is that it shows the commitment that the wedding partners have to each other. It also shows that two families are being joined into one and thus they will move together with a common agenda to build their relationship and household. It also serves as a reminder of the vows that bind the marriage whenever the couple has some differences. For more info about wedding sand, check out this website at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/24/vegas-wedding_n_1699335.html.